Answers Come In Mysterious Ways

Did you ever feel as if you don’t quite know what theory in life to believe or what really works? I feel like that at times. For awhile now, I have been working on manifesting certain things in my life. So far, some things have not come into fruition as of yet. This has made me feel manifestation is not working for me. Maybe because I want it to happen in the blink of an eye…I don’t know. 

I know things do not always happen in an instance, however, this lack of evidence has caused me to have some questions over the past few days: Is it because I am not truly believing? Is it because I am not doing it the right way? What could it be? 

I’ve also been working on changing my subconscious mind, which can be a battle in and of itself; however, much needed when working on creating the life I desire. My mind wants to return to old thoughts and fears. I have to be aware of this when it happens so I do not continue in old thought patterns that do not serve me. It is in these moments I have to remember to say my mantras repeatedly, which amazingly after hearing the repetition changes my mood and perception instantaneously. 

The beginning of summer, I bought a nice annual combo planter for my balcony. It had white petunias, some greens, and little pink flowers. For whatever reason, not too long after, the pink flowers died. Meanwhile, the rest of the planter filled out nicely. 

This brings us to now, the month of September. Knowing the cold weather is coming near, about two weeks ago I was looking at my flowers and verbalized my wishes for those pink flowers that only gave me their visual pleasure for a short time, to come back before the cold weather kicks in. Well lo’ and behold, about a week later I started noticing a few pink flower buds. Then, I noticed more and more. 

Pictures taken on different sides of the planter showing the pink flowers blooming all around.

This morning I went out to look at my flowers as I do everyday. I was amazed how the pink flowers are continuing to increase. I questioned this event by asking myself, “Did these flowers just happen to resurrect on their own or did I manifest them?” I went inside to get my spray bottle to give my flowers a misting. When I came back outside, to my surprise, a praying mantis was on my third floor balcony rail. Never before have I seen a praying mantis in the two years I am living at this apartment. I had pigeon land on the front window of my car, and humming birds and tree frogs visit me on my balcony, but never a praying mantis until today.

I felt this was an omen; a sign from God/Universe. When I looked up the meaning, it was exactly what I needed. I have not been meditating consistently. I am looking for direction in a certain area of my life. I believe the answers to the questions I have for that area live inside of me. I am always so busy, therefore, all the distractions take away from the time I need to quiet the noise long enough to let those moments of epiphany come through. 

Instead, I am going though the rat-race being frustrated with unanswered questions simply because I have not made time to hear that still small voice that lives in my heart, rather it is always drowned out by the loud noise inside my head and around me.  

When I read the articles- which I have the links for below-regarding the meaning of a praying mantis visitation, I realized that little alien looking insect was sent at this exact time to send me a message which was to reinforce what I already knew and was brought to my attention a couple of months prior, however, once again I fell short. 

Back in July, I randomly went on Facebook and found in one of the groups I am a part of, a woman was giving a free card reading on Facebook Live. I happened to catch the event right when it started. She was pulling one card for anyone that asked her. Of course I requested a card be pulled, and the card that came out from me was: meditation. The card read, “Mediation Brings Answers.” I felt my eyes get big. This message resonated with me so much! Prior to this, I kept telling myself how I needed to meditate consistently in order to quiet my mind and obtain answers. Now here it is staring me in my face. 

This was taken from a screenshot. I apologize the picture is a little blurry.

Now back to this recent event. I learned the praying mantis is a sign of stillness. They are a symbol of meditation and contemplation, meaning to be still and go within. Their pre-strike pose symbolizes balance and patience. I feel as though my question regarding my manifestation of the little pink flowers was answered through this insect that holds the symbolism I needed to be reminded of. It occurred to me that maybe I did indeed manifest those pink flowers that have not been present for months just through my words and specific desire for them since I knew exactly what I wanted.

Although I do know some specifics I want for my life, there are parts that are obscured. I need to be obedient with what God/Universe has been patiently telling me through messages and signs. As soon as I choose to do my part and meditate, the rest will flow. Sitting in silence will give me the clear answers I need, then I can speak specifically and manifest because I will be confident in what I am speaking out into the atmosphere. 

There is a process and preparation that goes with the journey. The sign sent to me today is enough to ruffle up my faith that may have been diminishing. Answers to questions and reminders come in different forms. Sometimes, through an insect such as a praying mantis. 

I can either choose to listen, knowing what I am supposed to do based off of current and previous events, or I can fall back into old patterns which will have me continually going around the mountain and wandering in the wilderness just  wasting time, which then produces more and more frustration, keeping the battle going . Doing the work is for my higher good and purpose. I must trust the process.

I wrote all the above earlier in the day. I had to add this part because when I came home hours later,  I found the praying mantis moved from the rail, and now was on the greens that share the same pot with the pink flowers . If I had even the slightest reservation of what this all meant before, this additional sign that now seemed to be screaming at me was definitely reassurance.

Distant Reiki Session


Herbal remedies and alternative healing have always been my first approach to any sickness I may have encountered throughout the years, as well as eating healthy and exercising. In 2002, I decided to resign to go back to school after working 12 years in a medical manufacturing facility in my hometown, of Reading, PA. Since I was always interested in health at a very young age, I thought nursing would be a great fit for me even though it was conventional medicine and not natural and holistic. 

I became a certified nursing assistant and a phlebotomist. I found out early on while working in the hospital, hospice and nursing home environments, I did not want to further my education in nursing. Working around sickness was very depressing for me. When you see the result of disease and tragedy looking you in your face everyday, it can take a toll on you. It changed the way I viewed life. 

I realized more and more how much life is a gift and we take things for granted. We never know what can happen to us or any of our loved ones in the blink of an eye. I wanted a more upbeat career, so I went on a career search and did some soul searching. I found communications was the right fit for my personality. I received a B.A in Corporate Communications in 2012. 

Ironically, I have continued to work as a home health aide on a part-time basis for the last 17 years. It is a blessing to be able to help people experience a good quality of life while maintaining their dignity in their own home instead of a nursing home environment. 

Since I am a person who is bothered by the suffering of others; I have a love for natural healing, and I am aware of the numerous health and emotional conditions so many people are dealing and/or struggling with-whether from a result of poor choices or from everyday stressors life can throw at us-I recently made the decision to become an instrument used to help people heal by becoming a Reiki practitioner.

I would love to be the earthly vessel you choose for your healing journey. This can occur in your own home. I do not have to be present or within close proximity. For more information please email me at: 

Peace, love and blessings!



Reiki Practitioner

What is Reiki? It is a spiritual art of healing that heals a person from within using the divine energy that is in all of us and all around us. It is an alternative holistic healing of Japanese origin, addressing the mind, body, emotions and spirit of the person. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” Taken from 

The practitioner uses a divine healing which comes from God/Source/Universe (whichever your belief system is) to open the person’s energy fields in order to become balanced and create a sense of well-being. Reiki moves stagnant energy in the body by moving healing energy to the fields around the body to promote the healing process.

The practitioner can use a light touch or hover over areas of the patient’s body to activate the universal healing energy. Reiki helps with: stress, depression, eliminates blockages, ability to remember, heal unwanted habits, physical injury and reduces the pain, emotional pain, boost the immune system, promotes relaxation, improves mental attitude, and more. Many hospitals are now implementing Reiki sessions as a part of patient care to heal faster.

Reiki is not a religion as some may think, and it does not come from the devil (I mention this because I have both heard and read about people who believe this to be true.) The devil does not heal. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy as the Bible says in John 10:10. Reiki may be similar to, but not the same as, the laying on of hands in the church. I am using this correlation to demonstrate Reiki from a perspective other than what you may have heard, or any preconceived ideas that have been instilled causing you fear that will hinder you from experiencing the many benefits Reiki has to offer.  

How does distant Reiki work? Distant sessions are just as effective as if you were physically present with the practitioner. Because we, along with everything around us, are energy matter, we are all connected. I like to use a cellphone analogy as to how distant Reiki works.

Say the practitioner is a cellphone tower and the patient is the cellphone. The same way your cellphone produces a signal to find a tower, then the tower a signal to your phone, then they communicate with one another through frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum for your phone to connect and receive or make calls, text, etc… is similar to how Reiki energy is transferred through the airwaves. The process of using the cellphone analogy may be explained in much more detail and technical terms, however, I am using it briefly to give a description for a better understanding of how the distant Reiki process works.

What is involved in a Reiki session? Whether in-person or distant, the session will be the same other than the obvious which is in distant Reiki the patient is not present. The session will start with the patient and practitioner talking about anything that the patient would like worked on holistically. If present, this will be done face-to-face, then the patient will lie down on a massage table; if distant, the conversation will take place on the phone, then the call will disconnect, and the patient will lie down in a comfortable, quiet room in their home with no interruptions. In the case of distance, the practitioner will use a picture of the person or a surrogate. The practitioner will then set intentions and say a prayer for the Reiki to work in the highest good for the patient and the session will begin. After the session is over, the practitioner and patient will talk about anything that was experienced during the session. 


I am offering distant Reiki sessions at the moment. 

60 minutes is $50.00.

90 minutes is $75.00.

If you are interested in booking a session with me, please reach out to me at 

Here are some links below to help with any further understanding regarding Reiki. 

Many Blessings! 

Saying Affirmations and Setting Intentions Everyday


Sometimes, signs we get confirming we are on the right path come through quicker than others. I have been trying to say affirmations more. I was just thinking today how I definitely need to be saying affirmations all throughout the day, everyday, every chance I get.

This is vital in order to be operating on a higher vibration to manifest and create your life the way you want it to be. The Universe/God/Creator wants us to function on a high vibration. When operating on a low frequency, we keep attracting situations that are equal to the negative state our mind and spirit are in.

Two examples were brought to my attention today. The people who were speaking to me had no idea they were being used to confirm this concept. As they were talking, a voice inside of me was saying, “yep, you see!”

First, was something my granddaughter told me. Her and her friend who slept over last night, who we will call Cindy, were at the pool in our apartment complex today. I went to check on them to see if they were hungry. My granddaughter informed me, when she asked me if her and Cindy could hang out in the shopping area close by before going to the pool, they ate at a restaurant.

I asked her how she got money to eat. She said Cindy had some money, and last evening when they asked to go to the nearby shopping complex, they walked around looking for money. They literally went in search for money with an expectation of finding some and they did.

My granddaughter said they found about $30 in coins. Now, I don’t know if they really found that much or not, however, the point here is they found more than a few coins; they found a substantial amount. They set an intention to find money and found what they were looking for. Hmmmmmm……

Then, Cindy’s mom came to pick her up. As the mom and I were talking, she mentioned she starts a new job tomorrow paying her over double compared to her previous job. She mentioned, she was not even looking for other employment; a recruiter reached out to her. She informed me she has been using affirmations a lot lately. Could it be whatever she was speaking led the recruiter to her???? Hmmmmmm….

Well, there you have it!! I do not think I need any more confirmation than what I just received. Speaking positive affirmations and setting intentions works! I am not saying it all happens overnight, but I do know that I need to stick with the program with the assurance that good things are on the way! Patience and persistence! Having faith and do not give up!!

An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change. ~ Louise L. Hay

One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement be true or false. It comes to be dominating thought in one’s mind. ~ Robert Collier

When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life. ~ Louise L. Hay

It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. ~ Claude M. Bristol

Affirmations are like seed planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work. ~ Louise L. Hay

Easy To Get Into, Hard To Get Out

I ran to the grocery store today to pick up a few items. When I got to my car, I put my purse and plastic grocery bag on the front passenger seat, then I pulled off. After driving a few minutes, I caught a red light. As I sat there, I remembered I forgot to take out a snack I bought to eat for the ride home. As I grabbed the grocery bag to get my goodie out, I found the one side, of one of the handles, somehow decided to work its way through the slit of one of the metal loops that holds the strap to my purse. As I looked down, I was puzzled as to how, by simply placing them both on the seat together, this was the result. The slit on the metal loop is extremely tight with no room for play at all!

While the light was still red, I tried to quickly work the side of the handle back out through the slit. To no avail, I could not! Out of frustration, I ripped the bag handle which was the only way to release it from being attached to my purse (my OCD was on high at the moment, not wanting this attachment to continue all the way home). I was perplexed! How could this have happened!!?? If someone told me they would give me a million dollars if I could get one side of the plastic bag handle through the crack of the loop in a few minutes, I would have not succeeded! Heck, I tried to pull and pry the slit open, trying to make sense as to how this happened, and I could not get it to open even a hair, yet somehow, unbeknownst to me, the handle worked its way through on its own. Magic!

I remember another time when something like this occured. I was at the grocery store and no sooner I put my hands on the handle of the shopping cart, I felt my bracelet stuck (hmmm the grocery store again…maybe there is something with me and food shopping lol) My bracelet worked its way through a little opening on the cart. It happened in a matter of seconds, however, it took me about five minutes to get it out! Once again, I was so frustrated! The opening somehow was big enough for the bracelet to get caught very quickly, but not big enough for me to get it out easily…grrrrrrrrrrrrr

If we pay attention, these little nuisances that transpire are teachable moments, correlating to aspects of life. It is so easy to get into something, and so hard to get out. It is so easy to get into debt, so hard to get out; it is so easy to gain weight, and it takes a lot of discipline and hardwork to get the weight off; it is easy to fail a class, and it takes a few semesters of many good grades to get your GPA up after that one F knocked you down; so easy to spew off nasty words from the mouth, so hard to take them back even after much apology.  

Like my bag and bracelet stories, sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances that happen to us beyond our control, then there are those situations where we are to blame and the outcome, pretty predictable. Either way, life will be life!


The Beauty Fall Brings

I should have been writing this back in September. Maybe I am late because even though the calendar said the first day of fall was September 23rd, I decorated my apartment door not too long after, all the signs of the harvest season have been in the grocery stores and farm stands for awhile, it is only within the last few weeks with the temperatures dropping and  leaves starting to change colors here in NC, that it has actually felt like fall finally arrived.   

My door decorations. I took this picture back in September. Since then, I added a cinnamon broom.
The trees from my balcony. Finally the leaves are starting to change colors.

I love spring, summer and fall; I despise winter to no end!!! I wish once we hit the fall months, the temperature would be no less than 60° until April, then increase to 70°, and keep increasing until we hit the summer months again. We can skip right over the nasty winter weather for all I care! There is nothing I love about the cold, not even here in NC where it is not as bad as up north! Everything is dead and it gets dark too early, blah blah blah the list goes on.

Although I love summer, after some of the scorching temperatures, I am ready for the change fall brings. I love wearing boots and accessorizing my sweaters with fashionable scarves, all the many ways to enjoy pumpkin, caramel, fall spices, the colors of the leaves; racking up the fallen leaves in a pile, which reminds me of my childhood when I would jump in them and hear the crunching sound; going to a park watching the squirrels gather up their food for the pesky winter, seeing pinecones on the ground and the cozy feeling this time of year brings.

Fall is such a blessing! At this time of year, we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends that we may have not been able to see much of or at all throughout the year. With that being said, there are many people who are very sad during this time of year due to loved ones who have passed on, and many are alone during this time and/or cannot afford the holiday meal. Thanksgiving is about refocusing our attention and reflecting on what we have to be thankful for. No matter how bad our situation, we can always find someone worse off than we are. It is a great time to volunteer at a shelter, food bank, or soup kitchen, and see how fortunate many of us are, as we help to make the lives of others a little brighter.

I recently came across a mother and teenage son who are homeless. My heart aches for them. I will be sharing that story with you in another post. This encounter helped me to put my own life in perspective. It reminded me that many of us are one paycheck away from that being us. No one is exempt from something like being homeless. Unfortunate circumstances can happen in the blink of an eye. Although not everything in my life is exactly the way I want it at the moment, I am not homeless, and for that I am so very grateful.

I would like to share with you a beautiful picture my friend Pamela posted on Facebook. This was taken right outside her home. I had to steal it. This was just too beautiful not to.

Until we spend time together again, I leave you with this: The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.” – Henry Ward Beecher