Saying Affirmations and Setting Intentions Everyday


Sometimes, signs we get confirming we are on the right path come through quicker than others. I have been trying to say affirmations more. I was just thinking today how I definitely need to be saying affirmations all throughout the day, everyday, every chance I get.

This is vital in order to be operating on a higher vibration to manifest and create your life the way you want it to be. The Universe/God/Creator wants us to function on a high vibration. When operating on a low frequency, we keep attracting situations that are equal to the negative state our mind and spirit are in.

Two examples were brought to my attention today. The people who were speaking to me had no idea they were being used to confirm this concept. As they were talking, a voice inside of me was saying, “yep, you see!”

First, was something my granddaughter told me. Her and her friend who slept over last night, who we will call Cindy, were at the pool in our apartment complex today. I went to check on them to see if they were hungry. My granddaughter informed me, when she asked me if her and Cindy could hang out in the shopping area close by before going to the pool, they ate at a restaurant.

I asked her how she got money to eat. She said Cindy had some money, and last evening when they asked to go to the nearby shopping complex, they walked around looking for money. They literally went in search for money with an expectation of finding some and they did.

My granddaughter said they found about $30 in coins. Now, I don’t know if they really found that much or not, however, the point here is they found more than a few coins; they found a substantial amount. They set an intention to find money and found what they were looking for. Hmmmmmm……

Then, Cindy’s mom came to pick her up. As the mom and I were talking, she mentioned she starts a new job tomorrow paying her over double compared to her previous job. She mentioned, she was not even looking for other employment; a recruiter reached out to her. She informed me she has been using affirmations a lot lately. Could it be whatever she was speaking led the recruiter to her???? Hmmmmmm….

Well, there you have it!! I do not think I need any more confirmation than what I just received. Speaking positive affirmations and setting intentions works! I am not saying it all happens overnight, but I do know that I need to stick with the program with the assurance that good things are on the way! Patience and persistence! Having faith and do not give up!!

An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change. ~ Louise L. Hay

One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement be true or false. It comes to be dominating thought in one’s mind. ~ Robert Collier

When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life. ~ Louise L. Hay

It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. ~ Claude M. Bristol

Affirmations are like seed planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work. ~ Louise L. Hay

We All Have Room To Change


Years ago I worked in a call center for less than a year. For anyone who has ever worked in that environment, you have coaching sessions with your supervisor telling you how you could do better. It seemed as if they never really focused on the good you did, instead, what you did not do right. I remember at the time feeling as though it seemed all that was discussed was what could be improved upon.

This may have been determined by each supervisor and their style of coaching; I don’t know. I personally believe in order to keep morale up, good things need to be discussed as well to balance it out. The point should not be to make someone feel low, however, build them up using true constructive criticism and not someone’s version of it.

Our ego tends to get in the way when we are told what needs to be improved, even when someone is saying it with the sweetest of words. We can get very defensive instead of seeing it to our advantage.

If our spirit is not open, we rather rebel against the topic because we feel we are giving our power away if we listen and change. We become defiant, feeling as if the other person is holding power over us, never taking into consideration how surrendering actually benefits us.

When we are being informed how to do better, it is best to take personal inventory of one’s self to see if there is any truth in what is being said. At times, it is a matter of someone else’s perception and opinion; in some personal circumstances, it could even be a manipulation tactic used by the other person. Most of the time, it is legitimate feedback.

We get so caught up in wanting to be perfect, we miss the personal growth aspect of what is being brought to our attention. No one is perfect! Although many like to think they are. We all have room to change ourselves for the better. As we continue to breathe and walk the earth, no one has reached the point of perfection. Becoming better and better everyday should be our focus. 

The next time something is being brought to your attention about yourself, rather than feeling like you want to deny and rebel against it, open yourself up and take time to reflect, seeing if there is any possible truth in the words spoken. You may even find that later you will thank the individual who was the vessel used by the Universe/God/Creator to add to your personal growth.


The Ripples of Life


I don’t understand

All the controversy in this land

What my eyes see and what is told can be

Are two different realities

Why did that mother have to lose her child!?

Now in her heart questions run wild

Which of our many God’s is the one!?

Does it even matter?

Can we have more than one?

Does praying really matter when I have sinned and myself I have shorted?

Has humanity in its quest created God to be distorted?

We need something to believe in

While feeling the drama, pain and confusion

I hope God is really out there and it is not just an illusion

I need something to give me hope in the midst of the struggle

Something to ease the pain so I don’t run toward just anything

That creates me to sin then the vicious cycle again begins

As my spirit tries to learn the lesson in this life

I am agitated and feel more strife

Within myself my whole being cries out

Will I accomplish what I need to before time runs out?

Or am I to come back and learn life’s lessons all over again?

Is that my fate?

Please stop!!

I don’t want to come back!

Seeing my loved ones I reach out

Yet my arms can not stretch any further

I am about to touch their fingertips but I get pulled back

Feeling helpless I cry in despair

Is this a dream??

Hell no!

I am really here

Experiencing and seeing the insanity around me

Feeling like I can’t do what is required of me

The hurt pain and mentality that destroys our society

When we were taught better

Yet create our own anxiety

How do I help a painful society who has lost their morals?

Drowning their sorrows

Because they chose to keep all their inner quarrels

Not wanting to talk thinking no one is listening

Do you hear silence?

Or is it your own perception?

Do we only want to hear what WE want to hear?

Is that why we don’t grow?

Because of our personal fear?

Why don’t we self-reflect?

Instead we self-reject

The truth that lives inside of us cries to come out

So we can manifest it in the world

Instead we choose not to change

And from that the whole world stays in pain

It is a ripple effect

We are one rock thrown in the water

When you throw yourself in

What do your ripples order?

Good or evil

What is your contribution?

The complexities and confusion in this life weigh me down

How much longer will I be bound?

Never leaving me alone

I hear a voice telling me to check my intention

So I do some soul intervention

How many lives may I have ruined?

From my fleshly contusions

As I struggle in my own pain

I brought forth other humans

Feeling not just my pain, but the pain of society

This molds them into another set of complexities

Does the madness stop?

Will the cycle end?

We have got to get to the root

So we can be reborn again

Only when you have the strength to look inside

Then the courage to change

That is when you die to your own madness my friend!