The Ceiling


I am not sure why, but it seems in some instances, through our darkest moments, those moments of melancholy, is when our creative juices are turned on the most. One night when I was unable to sleep because I was going through a rough patch, I felt inspired to start a therapeutic session for myself by writing a poem to express my feelings. The next day, as I thought about what I wrote the night before, I started thinking how nice it would be if my artist friend, Theron Cook, would create a piece of art to pair with my poem.

I spoke with him that same day telling him about what I wrote the night before. Without mentioning anything else to him, Theron ended up saying how it would be cool to create a painting to my poem.  It is amazing how synchronicity works! All I did was think the thought, the Universe/God brought it to his mind, and then out of his mouth, and BOOM! A collaboration was born!

The Ceiling

I am afraid to die

No, I am afraid to live

Actually, I am just afraid

Of this whole human experience

Bad times linger

Good times never last

I can’t sleep at night

My mind weighs a ton

Seems like each step I take toward better

My dreams move ten steps further away

I lie there staring silently at the ceiling in the dark

Through the dark

Somehow I see it there

The ceiling that knows my unspoken words and emotions

It stares back at me giving me no answers

Knowing answers is what I search for

The ceiling symbolizes something reoccurring over my head

A blockage making my dreams seem unattainable

A vault that has my dreams locked in limiting me

Or am I limiting myself?

Knowing how I want my dreams to be released

Yet the ceiling does not open up to release them

It is cruel to me

This game we play each night

Leaving me exhausted the next day

No energy to fight

Feeling defeated

I turn to roll over on my side

No longer looking at the ceiling

But it is still there

I can feel it staring hard at me

It wants me to forfeit all I have worked for

Loathing in self-pity

I almost give in

And turn on my back to give it another glance

My constant reminder

But instead, I stay on my side and close my eyes to fall asleep

Hoping sweet dreams can comfort me

One day becoming my reality

Then finally, one night when I lie down

The ceiling will no longer be there staring at me

I will be lying down looking out at the sky filled with shooting stars



Balance Balance Balance


I have been off balance for a couple of weeks now. Not practicing my morning routine as I wrote about in my post Peace Among The Trees, has really caught up with me.  I have been feeling a lot of frustration and anxiety going through the daily grind without taking my “Om” time as I call it. “Om” time is the quite time I take in the morning to pray, meditate, say my mantras, state my intentions, listen to something uplifting and think positive thoughts. 

If I do not take this time out to start my day, I feel I am off to a bad start. I know in order for me to be healthy and have healthy relationships with my loved ones, I need to revamp when my mind is feeling chaotic. When I am tired, filled with worry, and overwhelmed, I can get snappy. I need to get back to being centered in order to maintain my physical and mental well-being which has a ripple effect on everyone around me. 

This short post, is also to remind you to nurture yourself. Take time throughout the day to close your eyes, take some deep breaths and clear your mind. Set aside 30 minutes each day to do an activity you love…exercise, read a book, chill at a coffee shop, go for a leisure walk in the park…whatever it takes to make you feel rejuvenated, balanced and alive again! 

Balance your life and enjoy your journey!!  





I learned a few years ago that balance is the key to a happy and successful life, and a huge part of achieving that balance is to instill rituals into your everyday life – a nutritious balanced diet, daily exercise, time for yourself through meditation, reading, journaling, yoga, daily reflection, and setting goals. Gretchen Bleiler

Diets Here, Diets There, Diets, Diets Everywhere


Let me be the first to say, by no means am I a health professional. I have always loved the subject of health and I am always researching something to do with health or anything else that strikes a curiosity within me. These are just my thoughts on that nasty little word we call, “diet”.  There are so many out there. A new spin may be added to a diet that has been around for awhile. I believe for most people, the word has a negative connotation because it reminds us of our upcoming restrictions. The number one reason for even considering this dreadful idea, is weight loss. Some do it because of health reasons, but most of us want to lose body fat.

When we choose to diet, many times we give up before we see results, only to try, try, try again. It is a vicious cycle. Although being healthier should be our number one goal, looking good is usually at the forefront of our mind. We want to look like all the celebrity photos we see posted throughout social media, eating whatever we want, whenever we want,  while relaxing in front of the boob tube. Unfortunately, as most of us have found out, it does not work like that; discipline needs to be implemented.

Most, if not all celebrities, have had some kind of work done to their body, the photos are air brushed, or the photographer knows how to get all those right slimming angles. Also, they can afford personal trainers. Not to mention, their line of work is usually a workout in itself; especially if they are a singer. Their performances and countless hours of exhausting practices are muscle toners and fat burners. 

Consuming too many calories in comparison to the amount of calories expended, is the culprit. As we get older and our metabolism slows down, muscle mass is decreasing, and if we are not doing strength training to maintain or grow our muscles, it is going to be all down hill at this point.

When we choose to follow any diet, before looking at how it claims to change our body, we need to look at how it affects our overall health, and is it something we could follow long term, as in, for the rest of our life! Instead of using the word “diet”, we need to consider it a lifestyle change.

Listening to your body and how it reacts to what you are feeding it is very important. In my opinion, cooking whole foods at home is the best way to eat. If you are pressed for time, then cook a couple meals one day when you have extra time and meal prep for the week to keep yourself on track.  

I also find food apps such as Fitness Pal are great, not only for tracking your calories and macros (fats, protein and carbohydrates), but also keeping you on track by making sure you meet certain vitamin and mineral requirements each day. 

I want to share my what I feel are great tips for being healthy, losing the body fat, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol,and monitoring your salt and sugar intake:

  • When you plan to adopt a new way of eating, ask yourself, “Can I eat like this for the rest of my life?” If he answer is no, adopt a practice that you can. 
  • Eat a well balanced diet, consisting of a lot of vegetable (especially greens), some fruits.
  • Your carbohydrates should mostly come from sources that provide other nutrients for your body, such as sweet potatoes or quinoa.
  • Monitor your salt intake and try to use a salt that is natural like Himalayan salt or Celtic Sea Salt. Keep in mind, these are still salts so if you need to restrict sodium then by all mean do so.
  • Use a lot of fresh herbs and salt-free seasonings to cook with.
  • Give yourself time for your palate to adjust to new tastes.
    • If you have been a person who loves salty food, the taste is not going to go away overnight. You are going to have to fight your way through the salt craving.
  • Use a food app that will help you stay on track with your intake of calories, vitamins and minerals so you can alter your food choices in order to meet those nutritional needs.
  • Each day pick one familiar or unfamiliar food to research and learn about the nutritional profile. You may be surprised.
  • Plan ahead.
    • Figure out the night before what you plan to eat the next day so you can reach your goals. For instance, if you use an app like Fitness Pal and you want to reach 100% of your iron intake each day, then planning ahead will allow you to make better food choices based on your needs, rather than just calculating calories and eating as you go. This will also help you target your macros better too. 
  • Buy fresh foods.
  • Eat the rainbow.
  • Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables to help save money.
  • Take the family to an orchard and turn it into a fun family event.
  • Find stores, farmers markets and co-ops that will help you meet your nutrition without robbing your pocket.
  • Cook at home as much as possible. It saves money by stretching your food over the course of a few meals usually for the same amount of money, versus to buying out which most of the time only provides one meal. Cooking at home also allows you to control the sodium, fat and sugar that goes into your food.
  • Exercise. Move that body. Find a fun way to keep active.  One that will inspire you to keep moving.
  • Many people have found intermittent fasting very helpful. This also gives your digestion a break from constantly being bombarded with food.
  • Eat a balanced meal consisting of protein, carbs and healthy fat to give that satiated feeling. This will have you feeling fuller longer which will prevent overeating.
  • Treat yourself to treats within reason and moderation. Just do not let the treats take you off course. If you do lose course, life is not over. Get back on by start over right away. This is a part of life!
  • Eat slowly, chew your food and savor the flavor. Make love to your food as I say lol Most of the time we are rushing and eating mindlessly, never truly take time to taste and feel the textures of the food in our mouth which leads to over consumption. 
  • I know this is not always possible, but whenever you can, eat with friends and/or loved ones…enjoy each others company!
  • Take time to relax and breathe after eating. This will produce better digestion. 
  • Experiment by being creative. Find ways to put healthy spins on the unhealthy recipe you love.
  • Let’s not forget the importance of drinking a lot of water to flush out toxins, it keeps you hydrated, and gives you a full feeling.

This is not the end-all, be-all to changing your eating habits and becoming healthier. These are things that came to me off the top of my head that I have run across in my years of research and just some common sense. I hope this helps!

Buon Appetito! Buen Provecho! 

Artwork by Theron Cook

I had the pleasure of meeting Theron Cook about seven years ago. He is a very talented artist to say the least. He is the owner of Mute magazine, a graphic designer, photographer; his work consists of murals, logos, painting on canvas and the human body, sneakers, women’s shoes, clothing, cellphone cases, mugs, purses, and so much more.

I would like to introduce to you some of his artwork. The descriptions to certain pieces were written by Theron. I hope you enjoy my selections.


“Crucifixion” is a modern day instrument of capital punishment: the ancient method of slow and painful execution still lives today through #technology ! This painting is a twist on the iconic Christ crucifixion that depicts #christ as a #robot symbolizing the material world . The #heart and mind of the robot is exposed representing love and peace. The figures at the bottom is humanity trying to plug the robot back into the earth for connection and relationships… The impact of technology on our social, mental, physical and environmental health can be devastating if we don’t keep ourselves in check. There’s no denying the benefits we have gained from technological advancements, but as with all things in life moderation is key. Being aware of the harmful aspects of the overuse of electronics will help you avoid any unnecessary pitfalls. To be continued… #theroncookart #painting #artlover #artlife #modernart#contemporaryart #thedeancollection #artisan #artcollective #art_spotlight#artgallery #popart #artworld


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. #nelsonmandela #theroncookart







Kill none Let none die!

#justice #socialchange#theroncookart #painting #artlover #mood #dontquit#teamlove — at New York Public Radio.


“The Corner Pocket” The work of art is a corner of the universe, seen through the prism of a certain temperament. If you hide the truth, and bury it underground it will grow. So I walk underground and survive because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me!… #cantknockthehustle Don’t Quit!… #theroncookart #painting #butterflyeffect#surrealart #contemporaryart #streetart #artcollector#artlife #artgallery #artlover #dontquit — at Tribeca Rooftop.


“Tears” The process of healing… #theroncookart


The human skin can be hard to live in at times… but the worst battle is between what you know & what you feel… Don’t Quit! #theroncookart #wip — in New York, New York.





Here are some links to view more of Theron’s art:

Finding Self-Acceptance Through Yoga


“Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.”

Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer


I was interested in trying out a yoga class. I chose a yoga studio that offered both private sessions and classes. I decided to take a class. I got there early since it was my first time. The woman at the front desk greeted me. She wore a turban and had a calm, pleasant demeanor.

I told her this would be my first yoga class. I’ve heard about all the amazing benefits and I wanted to experience them for myself. She told me when she was diagnosed several months ago with cancer, yoga taught her to accept her diagnosis, and gave her peace in the midst of the storm.

This same woman happened to be the teacher for the class I was planning on taking that evening. I ended up being the only person who showed up, which turned out to be a blessing. She could have easily turned me away and canceled since it was just little ol’ me. Instead, she decided to give me a private session for the price of a class.

Having one-on-one time, allowed her to explain to me in detail the different yoga poses. As I attempted a balancing pose, I told her I could not hold my balance. I expressed my feelings of frustration with myself for being too wobbly in comparison to her.

She told me to never use the words, “I can’t!” She explained, I should acknowledge and accept where I am at without judgment. Don’t compare myself to anyone else. If I consistently practice, I will progress.

Boy, how those words stuck with me! I needed this! There are times I hear her voice in my head, telling me those words whenever I am in a situation where I am being too judgemental and/or comparing myself to someone else.

Remember when you too find yourself feeling like you can’t or you are not as good as someone else: acknowledge the feeling then let it go, accept yourself where you are at, and do not compare yourself to anyone else. Just keep going and eventually you will get to where you need to be. Self-acceptance is the key!

And now I leave you with this quote:

“You can be fully satisfied with where you are, understanding that you’re eternally evolving. When you get into that place of feeling appreciation of where you are and of who you are, and appreciation of what you are, and you accept that you are a never-ending, always unfolding Being, then you can stand in that delicate balance of being optimistic about what is to come, without being unhappy about where you stand. Find a way of eagerly anticipating future changes, while at the same time you are in love and satisfied with who, what, where and how you be.”

Abraham-Hicks, from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4, 2000


Peace Among The Trees

“A tree is our most intimate contact with nature.”

― George Nakashima

These are the views looking out and over my 3rd floor balcony.  When I first moved in my apartment a year ago, I was not exactly thrilled with this view. Being a city girl, I loved seeing cars and people while sitting outside; not just a bunch of trees.

One day, I started reminiscing how when I lived in the city and I would crave quiet time in nature to think, pray or have a soul cleansing cry, I had to drive about 20 minutes away.  I would drive to a park which had huge fields to roam in. Even though the park was a popular one, it was so big, I could roam for hours, never feeling the presence of anyone. Now here, the serenity is right outside my door.

The constant view of the trees has slowly grown on me. I learned to appreciate the solitude feeling they emanate on a daily basis. Especially during the past several months and the warm weather is definitely a plus.

There has been a lot going on in my life: starting this blog, a family matter came up with a multitude of tasks needing immediate attention, and the list goes on. That’s life, right? Who am I kidding!!?? This has not just been the last couple of months, this is the norm…this is life!  

It is during these overwhelming times, the view of the trees have become so vital to me. Being in tune with myself, allows me to implement mindful practices that will bring more harmony in my life. When I soak in serene moments instead of being surrounded by constant stimulation, I am reminded to slow down and breathe. This allows me to reflect and readjust what is needed. If I never take time to sit in stillness, I feel like a  hamster on a wheel, or a dog trying to catch its tail: I am constantly moving, yet not really getting anywhere and all stressed out.

One of my recent morning routines has been to wake up before the sunrises.  While there are no distractions, I sit outside on my balcony in the stillness drinking a cup of coffee.  I profess my gratitude to God/Universe, listen to the sounds of nature, looking up at the sky feeling appreciative. Then, I meditate, pray, and repeat mantras. I found this practice has decreased my anxiety.  I feel empowered starting off my day with a positive mindset and my mind is clearer.

My wish for everyone reading this is: if you have not found a practice that brings you to a peaceful place each day, you would find one.  If you had one and fallen off track, I encourage you to find the time to implement whatever it was back into your life. When we create a positive, healthy mind, the rest of our being benefits as well.

Until next time…blessings!