A Poem: Butterfly Effect


Artist Theron Cook at work.


This is the poem I wrote as my interpretation for this piece of Theron’s artwork:

Butterfly Effect

Chaotic system

Abstract reality

Immature being

Changes going on within

The initial condition

Strategy for destiny

Dynamic system

The appearance of transforming

Could be disturbing

Preparing mentally

Steering clear of casualty

Avoiding self-destructive behavior

Metamorphosis requires a strategy

The pieces of the puzzle

Plugging each piece where it was designed to be

Putting in the work

The nectar provides energy

Desiring to seek light and truth

These elements many times are missed in our youth

Infinite possibilities

Spiritual knowledge and vitality

Hope, joy and renewal

Reaching new levels within your proximity  

Then soaring above

With your face toward the sun

Pearls of clarity

Like an oyster in the sea

You are the master of your own destiny

The happiness you seek

With all the complexities

Is within your reach

Elevate your mind

To a place beyond time

Strength in five-dimensions

Expanding your intellect

Be the change you want to see

Now fly free

With each flutter of your beautiful wings

The significance begins

Touching lives along the way

The purpose of your born day

Created for this


By the Great architect

We are all in this together

That’s the Butterfly Effect


Here are some links you can copy and paste to view more of Theron’s artwork:








My Bulletproof Coffee

A while back I was hearing so much about Bulletproof Coffee. I never tried it until today. The thought to give this a try occured to me after evaluating my daily food intake. I have come to the conclusion I need to lower my calories and carbs, while striving to  get my sugar intake down to as close to zero as possible, having a very small treat of sugary goodness once a week, if that. Lord help me!!!!

No, I am not doing the Keto diet. I am just replacing my energy source from a high amount of carbohydrates to healthy fats, consisting of: nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado and a little coconut oil to sustain me for a longer period of time in hopes to eat less during my eating window.

Well let me just say, after drinking my Bulletproof Coffee I felt great! Instead of having brain fog, I had mental clarity; I had energy (and I used decaf coffee, so I was not energized from caffeine) and I felt satiated for hours. I think this is going to be my new breakfast from here on out.






Here is what I used:

  • Hot decaf coffee ( I am caffeine sensitive. Occasionally I may mix about an ounce of regular coffee with my decaf or I just drink all decaf.)
  • 1  serving which is 2 scoops of Vanilla Vital Proteins Collagen Creamer (10g of protein)
  • 1 tsp of Cacoa powder
  • A few sprinkles of cinnamon
  • Stevia
  • About 1 TBl of butter flavored coconut oil

I blended all this in my Vitamix until mixed well and frothy. So good and energizing!

Let me know if you ever drank, or if you do drink Bulletproof Coffee. I would love to hear about your experience and any recipe that is different from mine.


Out The Mouths Of Babes

I had a buy one get one free coupon for any beverage at a well-known coffee shop. After feeling majorly frustrated all day, which has been a regular feeling for me lately between hormonal issues as well as not understanding life at times, I asked my 15 year old granddaughter, Dasiah, who loves a warm, cozy beverage like her Mom Mom, if she would like to go chit-chat over a cup of coffee. Of course she said yes, so off we went.

We arrived at the coffee shop and ordered our drinks. We sat down, first talking about school. As we continued to conversate, she could sense I was on edge. She asked me what was wrong. At first I was apprehensive to share my frustrations with her. I was the adult here. If anyone should counsel and console, it should be me to her, not vice versa.

Besides, this was not the reason I asked her out on our little date. I just wanted to get out of the apartment, go hang out in a coffee lounge atmosphere to bond and talk. After she continually questioned me, I briefly told her what was going on. While explaining, I had a melt down. I felt so bad!! This was not the plan! I did not want to unload on my granddaughter and definitely not in a public setting. We were supposed to be on a date adding to our sweet memories of bonding time while laughing and having a good old time.

Dasiah started offering me advice. She did not tell me anything I did not already know; however, her words served as a reminder of what I already knew, but with being overwhelmed I forgot. I had become so focused on the negative instead of trying to think positively regardless of what was going on.

As she described an event, I just looked at her in amazement. I was so proud of the wise young lady she’d become, making perfect sense by giving me an example of something she desired and never thought would happen, but it did. Never did she think, on a particular day, which seemed like any other regular day, an incident would occur which would end up being a blessing for her. She used this example to remind me how situations can turn around when least expected with no prior clues or warning.

She went on to mention the movie In Pursuit of Happyness. Explaining how Will Smith, playing Chris Gardner, in the midst of constant defeat and loss still kept going and eventually it all paid off. Dasiah said to me, “Don’t keep thinking about it. Maybe that is why nothing is happening. Don’t expect anything then it will all fall into place.”

I was taken back as to how this young lady of 15 years old sounded so mature on the topic. I realized her and I could learn from one another regardless of age. I should not feel just because I am older that I have more wisdom to offer. She could teach me as well, and she did by reminding me of knowledge I had buried deep under a sea of stress, anger, fear and frustration.

We both left that coffee shop feeling good. I went out the door with a different frame of mind than I had going in. Dasiah felt so happy knowing she was the vessel used to change my perception regarding the circumstances. I guess my original reason for taking her out for a cup of coffee that night was a success after all: we added to our list another sweet bonding memory.

Finally: A Relay For Life Performance

About seven years ago, I was asked to perform at the Relay For Life. For those of you who may not be familiar with this event, it is a community-based fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.

At the time, I was regularly going to open mic events, occasionally performing, while other times just being a spectator. When I was asked to do a piece for the cancer walk, even though I am not a singer, I knew I wanted to perform to music and the way I wanted the flow to go.

I had the idea to alternate between someone singing their hook, while I would speak my part to music. Knowing a lot of people in the artistic community, I asked one of my friends Kimmy, who was singing at a lot of local events to collaborate with me. Kimmy accepted the invitation to sing and write the hook, while I wrote my part based around what she chose, and of course, the ugly topic at hand: cancer.

Unfortunately, due to some issues with the music we used for the performance, we could not publicly share the recorded version, however, I wanted to share with my readers the words we put together.  


Kimmy’s Hook:

Finally, I see what the fight has made in me

Finally, it’s not what the world in naming me

Try and paint my picture black

Try and push me off the track

Finally, I see through the mirror facing me

Facing me


My First part:

How do you live

When you’re told you’re going to die

The black clouds that fill the sky

A report

That changes life


Praying to God

Making negotiations

If only you will take this from me

This diagnosis

The prognosis

Another phase

Harsh cycle of life


Running out

Breath trying to be sucked from the being

Life has taken on new meaning


Kimmy’s Hook:

Finally, I see what the fight has made in me

Finally, it’s not what the world in naming me

Try and paint my picture black

Try and push me off the track

Finally, I see through the mirror facing me

Facing me


My second part:

Cancer, is not your name

It does not define who you are

The mirror, reflects an abstract mosaic

Originally, an unstructured piece of art

Made of pebbles and stones

Raised precisely into a beautiful art form

That is fearfully and wonderfully made

Each shape, cut and color


Designed for a purpose

The mirror

A reflection of courage, strength and will

Each defined intricately


Kimmy’s Hook:

Finally, I see what the fight has made in me

Finally, it’s not what the world in naming me

Try and paint my picture black

Try and push me off the track

Finally, I see through the mirror facing me

Facing me


My Last part:


The hope that creates purpose

Of a stronger, more inspired individual

Cancer teaches you more than it takes

Celebrating, a chance at life

Living one moment at a time

Taking nothing for granted

The black clouds have faded away

The sun is shining

It’s a new day

Weeping may endure for a night

But joy, comes, in the morning

Finally, finally, yes….finally